Policy – Annual General Meetings

Purpose: To ensure the activities required at the Annual general Meeting are adequately organised and compliant

·         To ensure the AGM proceeds in an organised and effective manner.
·         To ensure proceedings at the AGM meet the requirements of our Rules and the Act.
·         To ensure an effective transition from one Committee to another.

·         “AGM” means the Annual general Meeting of members as required under the Rules of the Association
·         The “Act” is the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012 (VIC)

Responsible Officers:
·         The Committee shall designate a Committee Member to be responsible for organising all aspects of the AGM, which that person may delegate certain tasks to other persona. The Committee shall also nominate a Returning Officer for the elections, at least 6 weeks before the AGM.

Establishing the AGM Date:
1.    The Rules and the Act require the AGM to be held within 5 months of the end of financial year. In this case, the last possible date for the SAGM is 31st November each year.
2.    The Committee shall set down an agreed date for the AGM early in the Committee’s term, generally when they are establishing a Calendar of Events for the forthcoming year.

Structure, Catering etc
·         Through the responsible officer, the Committee shall determine the venue, structure, format, date and cost of the AGM prior to the end of September each year.

·         Notice is required to be given to all members, whether financial or not, by direct mail or email at least 21 days before the Meeting.

·         The Notice issued to members should include the Annual membership subscription Invoice with arrangements for members to pay their dues on or before the night.
·         Only financial Members are entitled to vote at the AGM.

Number of Ordinary Committee Members:
·         As well as the four Office Bearers, there are ordinary Committee Members who form part of the Committee. The number of ordinary Committee Members for the forthcoming year shall be determined by the outgoing Committee before the end of September each year.

Nominations for Election.
·         The Notice issued to members should also call for nominations for the Elections to be held at the AGM. Financial Members may nominate themselves or another Financial Member for election.
·         The Nominations should close 7 days before the AGM, and all nominations should be directed by email to the Returning Officer.
·         Where more than one single nomination is made for any position, a Secret Ballot must be held to determine the voting.
·         The Returning Officer shall prepare a single Ballot Paper which will make allowances for all positions for election. Copies of this shall be made available on the night of the AGM.

Agenda of Meeting.
·         The Chair will declare the Meeting open.
·         The Treasurer to advise details of Financial members. A quorum consists of 10% of the financial members being present.
·         Presidents Report
·         Treasurers Report. To include a Financial Report for the Year and advice of the status of the association and what level of financial compliance is required under the Act.
·         The Financial Report shall comply with the requirements of the Act and include (a) a certificate attesting that copies of the Financial Report were presented to the AGM; and (b) a certificate attesting that the Accounts are true and fair as per Schedule 1, Regulation 15 of the Act.
·         The Secretary’s Report shall include the Annual Return being completed, signed and authorised for submission to Consumer Affairs Victoria.
·         Resolution to determine the Number of Ordinary Committee members to be elected.
·         Election of Office Bearers and Ordinary Committee Members.
·         General Business.

After the Meeting.
The Treasurer shall meet with the incoming Treasurer within 7 days of the AGM to facilitate a smooth transfer of information, data and organisation of Bank Signature updates.
The Outgoing Secretary shall be responsible for submitting the completed Annual Return to Consumer Affairs within 7 days of the AGM.